Beta users of WhatsApp can no longer open the app

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Users of the beta version of WhatsApp on Android can no longer open their app in some cases. A fix is ​​now available for the bug, but it does not seem to work for everyone yet.

Social media users report that the app has not been working on their Android devices since Monday evening. For now, it seems to only concern beta users. When they open the app, they see an error message stating that the app is ‘outdated’ as of March 27. There is a button to download the latest version, but that version is not yet available in the Play Store for everyone.

The problem is in version of the app. WhatsApp says it has now released a new version,, that should fix the problem, but that does not seem to be the case for every user yet. The problem still seems to exist for users who have previously been in the beta program, but have since abandoned it. There is currently no new version available for them.

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