Belgacom offers customers 10GB online storage

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On Tuesday, Belgacom put Belgacom Cloud online, a service whereby customers who purchase fixed internet from the provider can store files online. The web storage service offers 10GB of space in the free version, for 200GB customers pay 9.95 euros per month.

The release of Belgacom Cloud follows a test period in which 4,500 customers have tried the service, the provider reports. Now all customers with a fixed internet connection can sign up for the web storage service. Belgacom Cloud has the security of the online files handled by F-Secure.

Belgacom Cloud has clients on Windows XP, Vista, 7 and 8, Mac OS X 10.6 or higher, iOS 6 and higher, Android 2.3 and higher and Windows Phone 8 and higher. The files can also be accessed via the browser. Users can upload files automatically or do it manually.

Existing customers get the 10GB variant for free with their existing subscription, but there is also a paid version with more storage. The variant with 30GB costs 2.95 euros per month, the 200GB version is 9.95 euros per month. Belgacom is competing with alternatives such as Dropbox and Box and products from operating system providers such as Apple’s iCloud, Microsoft’s OneDrive and Google Drive.

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