Battlefield V players can set up their own game server for free after the summer

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Dice gives Battlefield V players the ability to set up their own servers and implement their own settings and rules. With previous Battlefield games this was often already possible, but with Battlefield V there were only official EA servers until now. The service will be partly free.

In a post on Reddit, a community manager from developer Dice says the Rented Server Program will be available for Battlefield V after the summer. The community manager did not provide an exact release date. In previous Battlefield titles, the Rented Server Program was often available right from launch, allowing players to rent their own game server. This is now being slightly modified under the heading Private Games; renting is no longer an immediate question, because the basic tools and options for creating your own servers are made available free of charge. It is not entirely clear what exactly this means for the functionality in practice and what, for example, will not be free. The community manager says a more detailed explanation will follow at a later time. Dedicated servers managed entirely by third parties will not be an issue in Battlefield V, as with previous more recent titles in the series.

The Private Games option allows players to set up their own server directly from the main game menu of Battefield V, or from the browser. For the latter, Dice is setting up a web service. Perhaps that is a kind of variant of the social browser platform Battlelog, as used in previous Battlefield titles to view statistics and search for servers. Once a server has been created, it remains active as soon as players are on it; with zero players on the server, it disappears. However, the server configuration data is stored locally, according to Dice, so players have the option to quickly start a new Private Game or switch between different server settings.

Players setting up their own server can, as usual, set a variety of different rules to their preference. For example, friendly fire can be turned on or off, as can regenerate health and kill cam. Furthermore, it is possible to remove players from the server, the playing field rotation can be adjusted, the game modes can be set, a password can be attached to the server and the minimap can be disabled. This is part of the capabilities that Private Games is introducing.

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