Batman: Arkham Knight Won’t Get Multi-Gpu Support

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The Windows version of Batman: Arkham Knight will not support SLI and CrossFire anyway. The performance gains that could be made would be too small “in relation to the high risk of new technical problems arising for all players.”

The news comes from a forum post by Elder Pliny, a developer at publisher Warner Bros. He states that the team has been investigating the feasibility of implementing SLI and CrossFire in recent months. “We are disappointed that this is not practical and we apologize to everyone who has been waiting for this functionality.”

The Windows version of Batman: Arkham Knight was withdrawn from sale two days after its release. A large part of the users had to deal with technical problems such as low frame rates and frame rate hitches. Also, multi-gpu support was missing and the pagefile regularly filled up unless players have a lot of ram and vram.

After Warner Bros. had taken four months to resolve the technical issues, the game came back on the market. However, some of the technical issues players had to deal with were still unresolved. In response, Warner Bros. until the end of this year players get their money back if they want. That’s regardless of how long they’ve had the game in their Steam Library and how many hours they’ve played the game. According to some testers who anonymously tell their story to Kotaku, Warner Bros. long before the game’s release of the performance issues. The PlayStation 4 and Xbox One versions of the game do not suffer from these issues.

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