Baldur’s Gate 3 is coming to Xbox later this year, without split-screen for Series S

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Larian Studios will release Baldur’s Gate 3 for the Xbox later this year. The game will be released for both the Series X and S, but the latter does not have a split-screen co-op mode. That was previously a reason not to release the game for consoles.

Developer Swen Vincke from Larian Studios confirms that the publisher is working with Microsoft to make a release for the Xbox possible. Initially, Baldur’s Gate would not be released for the next-gen Xbox consoles because certain parts would be too heavy for the weaker Series S. Now Vincke says he has made agreements with Microsoft.

The game will have a co-op mode with split-screen functionality on the Series This mode is missing on the Series S, because it would make the game too slow. According to Vincke and other developers, the development of that mode was so difficult that an Xbox release would not happen for the time being. In addition to the split-screen mode, there will also be a cross-save option for Steam players. The Xbox release for both consoles should take place ‘later this year’, but a final date has not yet been announced.

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