Awesome Games Done Quick raises $1.2 million to fight cancer

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Awesome Games Done Quick has raised $1.2 million in a week, which will be donated to the American Prevent Cancer Foundation. The money was raised by performing all kinds of speed runs in various old and new games.

It is the third consecutive year that the organization has raised more than a million dollars with Awesome Games Done Quick. However, the 2015 record of $1.5 million was not broken this time. A year ago, Humble Bundle donated $200,000 and there was no such gift this year. The money raised is donated by game enthusiasts who watch the speed runs performed by the participants of AGDQ online.

Speed ​​runs are performed in both old and new games. For example, classics such as Super Mario 64 and Diablo passed by, but also newer games such as Fez and Spelunky. Visitor numbers of 100,000 were regularly reached during the week. The peak was when watching a session in Super Mario Maker, which attracted 220,000 viewers. The organization holds an event twice a year. In the summer there is the Summer Games Done Quick, where money is again raised for charity. The next edition will take place July 3-9 in Minneapolis. The speed runs of the past Games Done Quick can be viewed via the organization’s YouTube channel.

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