Austrian party files an appeal against Facebook for hateful posts

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The political party De Groenen from Austria is appealing against Facebook for hateful posts that users have put on the social network about the leader of the party. The judge ruled that Facebook should remove the posts, but the party does not think that go far enough.

According to the current court ruling, Facebook must remove the posts worldwide, while a lower court previously said the removal should only apply to Austria, Reuters news agency reported. In cassation, the party wants to force Facebook to automatically remove similar posts. Those are now only posts that are exactly the same. In addition, the party wants to know who is behind the fake accounts who post the posts.

The social medium should remove posts because they would be hateful. The ruling is from the Vienna Oberlandesgericht. The appeal in cassation is before the Oberster Gerichtshof, also in Vienna. Facebook has so far refused to respond to the Oberlandesgericht’s ruling. It is not yet known when the case will appear at the Oberster Gerichtshof.

The case started when unknown people posted on Facebook about the leader of the Greens in Austria, Eva Glawischnig. The political leader then challenged the court to have Facebook remove the posts.

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