Audi shows optimal speed on dashboard for driving through traffic lights

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Audi has implemented a feature in some of its models in the United States that shows drivers on the dashboard what the optimal speed is to avoid stopping at red traffic lights.

At the end of 2016, Audi already introduced the so-called Traffic Light Information system that shows on the dashboard behind the wheel when traffic lights in the vicinity turn green. The German manufacturer already indicated in May last year that the so-called Green Light Optimized Speed ​​Advisory function would also be added in due course, and according to Popular Science this has now happened. This means that in addition to the seconds counting down, the speed that can be maintained to continue at a nearby traffic light is now also displayed, exactly when it has just turned green.

The technology only works at traffic lights at intersections that are indirectly able to communicate with the cars. These traffic lights transmit their status to the municipalities, who in turn forward this data to Audi’s partner Traffic Technology Services. This company sends the information to the cars via a 4g connection. Popular Science reports that this doesn’t always run smoothly: there is some lag in the system and there is sometimes some guesswork.

The Green Light Optimized Speed ​​Advisory function works based on the position of the car and information about the timings of the traffic lights, which calculates the optimal speed to take advantage of a green wave. The braking distance and maximum permitted speed are also used to determine the optimum speed.

This technology works in all recent American Audi models equipped with the Audi Connect Prime service, except the A3 and the TT. It currently operates at more than 4,600 intersections in 13 different US metropolitan areas.

The Traffic Light Information system, which shows a red traffic light with a counter underneath on the dashboard. The recommended speed to avoid red traffic lights is not yet shown here.

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