Attack on computers of Polish airline leads to cancellation of flights

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An attack on computer systems of the Polish airline LOT on Sunday temporarily disrupted air traffic at Warsaw airport. The attack by the hackers affected the flight planning systems.

The airline canceled ten flights on Sunday as a result of the attack, LOT reports. In addition, many flights were delayed. According to the airline, the disruption was the result of an ‘it attack’ on the planning system. “As a result, we were unable to create flight routes and outbound flights from Warsaw airport cannot depart.”

Five hours after the start of the attack, the company said in an update that it has the situation under control and is investigating the attack. The company emphasized that the attack did not affect aircraft systems. Speaking to British media outlets such as the BBC, a LOT spokesperson said the method of the attack may have implications for other airlines. LOT did not elaborate on what that method entailed.

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