Arma 3 will receive dlc around Vietnam War in second quarter

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Savage Game Design is working on SOG Prairie Fire, a DLC pack for Arma 3. Set in the Vietnam War, the DLC will provide buyers with new vehicles, weapons and factions. In addition, there is a new map of 300 square kilometers. The DLC will be released this quarter.

The DLC is getting a new co-op campaign centered around a US Army Studies and Observations Group. This group was established in 1964 to conduct covert operations in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia. For this campaign, developer Savage Game Design said it held talks with SOG veterans and Vietnamese advisors. Up to 14 players can participate in this campaign and complete six missions. In addition, there are nine multiplayer scenarios and five single player scenarios.

In addition to SOG members, gamers can play in multiplayer as a member of the regular US military, as a soldier of the North or South Vietnamese army, or as a soldier of the Viet Cong. Each faction gets its own uniforms and equipment. Players can choose from over 50 new weapons in categories such as pistols, rifles, shotguns and grenade launchers. There are also over fifty new vehicles and static weapons. This includes helicopters, boats, tanks, cars and a fighter plane.

The new game map is called Cam Lao Nam Terrain and should represent all parts of the Vietnam War. For example, the Ho Chi Minh Trail is in the map, which ran from North Vietnam via Laos and Cambodia to South Vietnam. Publisher Bohemia Interactive will later share a more precise release date, the game will have a suggested retail price of 23 euros.

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