Arduino Announces Portenta H7 Module with Cortex M7 and Cortex M4 Core
Arduino has announced the Portenta family of industrial internet-of-things products with the H7 module as its first family member. The module is built around a processor with an economical Cortex M7 and a Cortex M4 core, which work in parallel.
The Portenta product range is intended for use by SMEs and for demanding industrial Iot applications and the Portenta H7 should be able to function in components at temperatures from -40 to 85°C, the Italian manufacturer said. The base is the STMicro STM32H747XI, which includes an arm Cortex M7 at 480MHz and a Cortex M4 at 240MHz.
The Portenta can run Arduino code, Python and javascript and as an operating system Arm Mbed OS IoT is possible. In addition, the additional Portenta Carrier Board is being developed for the connectivity of the module.
The announcement is part of Arduino’s commitment to serve the enterprise market with an all-in-one Pro platform for the Internet of Things.