Apple will allow subscriptions for all apps and games in the App Store

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Apple will allow all apps and games that users can take out subscriptions within the app. The first year, the developer gets 70 percent of the revenue, but if a user remains a subscriber for more than a year, that goes to 85 percent.

Until now, only certain types of apps could offer subscriptions, but from this fall all apps will be allowed to do so, writes The Verge based on an interview with Apple CEO Phil Schiller. If apps already offer subscriptions and customers have been a subscriber for a year, they will already receive 85 percent of the revenue from the subscriptions starting next week.

In addition to subscriptions, the App Store will receive advertisements so that developers can better promote their apps and games if they are willing to pay for them. Until now, Apple did not allow that, leaving the App Store ad-free. The ads will also appear in the App Store starting this fall. The ads appear in search results.

Schiller declined to comment on other features developers would have liked, such as free trials and paid upgrades. Both of these are currently not available in the App Store. Apple is likely to share more about its plans with the App Store at its WWDC developer conference, which takes place next week.

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