Apple releases update that should fix GPU problems with the MacBook Pro

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Apple has released an update to macOS that the company says should fix graphics issues that can occur with the new MacBook Pro models. Furthermore, some other bug fixes are implemented.

Apple recommends all macOS Sierra users install the update. Full details of update 10.12.3 can be found on Apple’s website. The most notable issue to be resolved with the update is a graphics issue that can occur when rendering Adobe Premiere Pro projects on MacBook Pros with a Touch Bar. Furthermore, the automatic switching between the integrated and the separate GPUs on the 15″ model from 2016 seems to have been improved.

Shortly after the latest model of the MacBook Pro hit the market, it was revealed that the new laptops could exhibit graphical issues in certain situations. For example, it could happen that the entire image was filled with artifacts. If the update solves the problem, it can be concluded that this was not a hardware problem.

The update will be installed automatically in the background. The moment of updating can possibly be accelerated by searching the App Store for updates.

A user experiencing graphical issues

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