Apple puts battery status calibration function in iOS 14.5

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Apple has announced that iOS 14.5 will have a battery health calibration feature. Now, according to the company, iPhone 11 phones sometimes incorrectly report that a battery is almost worn out and needs to be replaced.

That calibration is automatic and takes a few weeks, Apple says. Users affected by the issue may experience battery draining faster than expected or peak performance less than before, according to Apple.

Apple says the calibration will take a few weeks during normal use and that the notification in the settings will disappear after that. If there still appears to be a problem with the battery, customers can make an appointment to have the battery replaced at no cost, returning battery life and performance to normal levels. The iPhone 11 models came out in 2019. Other phones don’t have the problem, Apple says.

The issues are believed to be related to iOS’s feature to automatically reduce system performance when battery power is low. At the time, that step was to prevent older iPhones from failing if the processor demanded too much power for peak performance and the battery could no longer supply it due to wear.

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