Apple, Google and Facebook write letter to Trump about immigration ban

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Apple, Google and Facebook are reportedly co-writing a letter to US President Donald Trump about his immigration ban. The companies fear that they will be disadvantaged because they cannot bring employees from various countries to the US.

Apple, Google, Facebook and several other companies such as Uber write in the letter, which Recode published, that they are concerned about the many visa holders from the countries that are subject to an immigration ban. They state that ‘they work hard in the United States and contribute to the success of our country’. “In a global economy, it is critical that we continue to attract the best and most intelligent people from around the world,” the companies said. The three tech companies have previously spoken out against the immigration ban, but have not yet confirmed the existence of the letter and its contents. Recode is known as a reliable site that has good connections in Silicon Valley.

Many tech giants have employees from many different countries, who sometimes work in their headquarters in the United States or often have to come to the US for various reasons. The immigration ban will not make that possible in the coming months. US President Trump introduced a ban on immigration a week and a half ago with a decree. Under that decree, residents of seven countries with a majority Muslim population are no longer allowed to enter the United States. The immigration ban lasts four months and, according to Trump, prevents terrorists from entering the country.

The California tech companies aren’t the only organizations in the tech industry to oppose the immigration ban. Microsoft and Amazon are going a step further and are cooperating in a lawsuit to determine whether the decree violates the US Constitution.

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