Apple: Epeat environmental certificate tests products incomplete

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Apple has explained in a statement why it no longer has its products tested by Epeat, an authority that issues ‘green’ certificates for electronics. According to the company, Epeat’s testing criteria are incomplete.

Apple gave the statement to website The Loop in response to reports last weekend that the company will no longer have its products tested by Epeat. This body tests electronic products and assesses them for environmental friendliness. Apple says it has broken the partnership with Epeat because the agency did not adhere to the correct criteria.

For example, the manufacturer emphasizes that all its products meet the Energy Star 5.2 requirements, something that is not included by Epeat in their assessment. In addition, Epeat would not look at how manufacturers deal with the processing of toxic substances. The fact that Apple releases information about the impact of its products on CO2 emissions would also not affect the environmental authority’s assessment.

Epeat itself indicated earlier this year through interim CEO Christine Evin that the certification program is due for an update. This would also look at expanding the number of types of devices being tested; At the moment, for example, Epeat does not test smartphones and tablets.

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