Apex Legends will have a global esports competition starting at the end of January
Electronic Arts will introduce a global esports competition for the PC version of Apex Legends game next year. This so-called Apex Legends Global Series starts on January 25 and is open to all players.
Electronic Arts describes the PC competition as a collection of official, highly competitive events that bring together players of all skill levels from around the world. There are four different types of events: online tournaments and the three live events: challenger events, premier events, and majors.
The online tournaments can be seen as the starting point for many players. By performing well at these tournaments, players can earn enough Apex Legends Global Series points to qualify for the three live events.
The challenger events focus on regional competitions and award winners a spot in the next major. The premier events are open to the top online players from each global region. Apex Legends Global Series points and placements for the majors can also be earned here.
There will be four majors next year. In each major, 300 players, or 100 teams, can compete for the $500,000 prize pool. The fourth major is the Apex Legends Global Series Championship, to which only the top sixty teams are invited. Here’s a million dollars to be won. Each major ends with a final round using the Apex Legends Match Point system.
In total, there are twelve global live events to be hosted next year. The first online tournament will take place on January 25 and registration for it will begin on January 11. Qualification for the first major can be enforced here. The first major will take place between March 13 and 15, in Arlington, USA. The online tournament between February 29 and March 2 offers teams the opportunity to force a qualification to the first premier event. Players can already register for the Global Series.