Apex Legends gets an improved training mode with Firing Range
A new way to practice in Apex Legends is coming with the various playable characters and weapons. The new mode has Firing Range, and according to the makers should appear in the game soon.
The arrival of the practice mode, which seems to be an improvement of the current limited version included in Apex Legends, should be coming soon. However, Respawn has not yet given an exact release date, but players will have to wait until after Season 3 comes out. In Season 3, Respawn will release a new playable map, among other things.
When Firing Range is released, players will be able to use it to try out all playable characters, weapons and abilities. A common complaint from players has been that the current training mode is too limited, allowing players to try many of these things only in real matches. In Firing Range, players can show their skills on dummies, and it is also possible to go up the Firing Range with several players at the same time.
Respawn made his statements during Devstream, the video of which has been published on YouTube. There was also a demo of the Firing Range, showing how to switch between characters, and how to shoot dummies with different weapons.