Anti-copy software Denuvo is recognized as official Nintendo middleware

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Copy protection software Denuvo is added to the Nintendo Developer Portal. This makes it easier for developers to get started with the software, which maker Irdeto announced last year.

Irdeto says that Nintendo officially recognizes the software as middleware for the Nintendo Switch. The tool has been added to the Nintendo Developer Portal, a website where Nintendo game developers can find more documentation about recognized tools. Irdeto says it is “the first security partner” to be added to that portal.

The software that Irdeto adds to the portal has been around since last year. Back then, Irdeto already released the Nintendo Switch Emulator Protection DRM, a tool that allowed developers to protect their Switch games so that they cannot be emulated on PC. The difference with what is happening now is that the software is now easier to find in the Developer Portal and is also provided with documentation, tools and ‘other useful material’ in a central location.

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