Android Auto 10.7 official: news and how to download the latest stable version

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Google has launched Android Auto 10.7, the new version of the search engine company’s in-car operating system . This is the system that you install on your mobile as an app, but you cannot use it there, but when you connect the device to your car’s console, Android Auto will be launched there.

As we usually do, we are going to review the new features included in this new version. Unfortunately, as usual, there are almost no new changes , we will also explain why this is so. Additionally, we will end by mentioning how to update or install this new version.

What’s new in Android Auto 10.7

As seen in the beta, the only notable new feature of this new version is that Google Maps starts with a top-down view instead of a slightly inclined one, a very small change. In addition, its new interface has begun to be incorporated with buttons on one side .

But beyond this, nothing has changed in a very visible way. This means that new features such as the new design of the Google Assistant , the new contact selector or the configuration for electric cars have not yet been generally launched .

Coolwalk, compatibility with Zoom or WebEx, has not arrived for everyone either, nor has the redesign of settings with Material You, changing the app that opens at startup or the disconnect button. All of these are new features announced months ago , and at best they have only reached some users, but not everyone in general.

This is because Google does not deploy all the new features at once, but rather they reach more and more users little by little . Therefore, after updating you may see that some of them are activated, but it is also possible that you do not receive any. This caution is due to the fact that Google does not want any new development to cause widespread problems for everyone.

Therefore, the changes are still on the inside , with bug fixes, internal improvements and compatibilities for new car models. Google never specifies which bugs have been fixed, but if you have some it is best to always keep Android Auto updated.

And the reason why the Android Auto news goes inside is that you must keep in mind that being a driving app for cars, any error can be fatal for users. Come on, they don’t want to risk massively launching a novelty that ends up causing problems and causing failures that could cost lives.

Update to Android Auto 10.7

The version we have of Android Auto 10.5 is the stable one, which means that anyone can update easily . You can do it directly through Google Play , searching for updates to the apps installed on your mobile, among which Android Auto will appear.

You can also download the update manually by downloading its APK from APKMirror . The only decision you have to make is to choose the architecture of your mobile and whether it is ARM or ARM64, and download the latest available version. If your mobile is current, it is almost certainly the ARM64. Once downloaded, you just have to install the APK file on Android .

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