Android 11 lets users log in without password after restoring backup
Android 11 has a new feature called Google Block Store that lets users log into apps without having to go through a login screen. Developers can let users store login tokens in the backup of their software.
If users have a new device and it resets the app, the app can request the token and so users can log in without having to see a login screen, as can be seen in a video from Google about Android 11 that Android Police discovered.
By using a token, the app does not need to store a user’s password. The token is also encrypted. Developers can use a way of encryption that only their own app understands.
According to Google, no permission is required from users, because it is not a login name or password that is stored. This makes it possible to automatically log in users after restoring the backup. Users do need to support Block Store for it to work. Now users often have to login after restoring from backup.