America elects president: long night, many tweets

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The US presidential elections are in full swing. We will keep you informed with the most important tweets and the latest news on social media.

We will update this post often. Until Wednesday morning, November 4. By the way, fill in our poll on Twitter. We like it!

The featured tweet about the election

It belongs to Eric Konings. He tells us that Trump is the favorite on the betting market for the first time, 1.75 against Biden at 2.30.

Four more years of Trump or Biden will get a chance

Current President and Republican Donald Trump take on Democrat Joe Biden. In America, they expect an exciting battle!

When you see numbers of electors passing by. 270 electors are needed to become president.

Preliminary results of the American presidential election

Because many votes are sent by post (coronavirus), it is already clear that the results are not known Wednesday morning.


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