AMD Releases First Radeon Drivers With Ryzen Mobile Support

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AMD has released the first public Radeon drivers with support for Ryzen Mobile. Previously, users were at the mercy of their laptop manufacturer for the drivers. The update includes improved GPU performance.

The Radeon Software Adrenalin 2019 Edition 19.2.3 drivers improve performance by an average of 10 percent over the first Ryzen Mobile drivers, according to AMD. For esports titles such as CS:GO and Fortnite, which AMD has tested, the performance gain is an average of 17 percent and a maximum of 23 percent.

At the end of 2018 it became clear that users had complaints about the lack of updates for the integrated GPU of Ryzen Mobile processors. For example, one Reddit user said he hadn’t gotten updates for his HP laptop in over a year. At that time, the updates still went through the OEMs, who received an update from AMD once a quarter, which they themselves had to distribute among the laptop users. In practice, many manufacturers did not. AMD did not even want to distribute graphics updates at the time, because the drivers are aimed at specific platforms of OEMs.

At CES, AMD announced that it would also distribute drivers for Ryzen Mobile through its Radeon Software starting in the first quarter of this year. As a result, Ryzen laptop users now have all the game optimizations from previous drivers and new features such as the streaming function Radeon ReLive and configuration tool WattMan.

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