Amazon invests in electric car start-up

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Amazon has invested hundreds of millions of dollars in Rivian, a start-up that makes electric cars. Rivian remains an independent company, but it is still unclear exactly what Amazon wants with the investment.

Rivian announced the investment himself via a press release. According to the start-up, an amount of 700 million dollars has been raised in an investment round, which is approximately 619 million euros. Rivian states that Amazon was one of the main investors, along with a number of existing shareholders, but exact amounts have not been disclosed.

Little has been released about the reason for the investment, so it is not clear what exactly Amazon wants to achieve with investing in Rivian. Many large tech companies are investing in technology for electric and self-driving cars, and Amazon may want to get involved in this as well. Rivian, meanwhile, emphasizes that it remains an independent company.

Last month it was announced that Amazon has invested an amount in a company that makes technology for self-driving cars. That company is Aurora Innovation.

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