Add-on support Microsoft Office is expanding and coming to mobile

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Microsoft has announced a major expansion for add-ons to Office. This makes it possible, among other things, to use add-ons on mobile phones. Microsoft is working with Uber, among others, so that users can easily arrange a taxi for their Outlook appointments.

From now on, add-ons must be able to work on both the Office applications on desktop and mobile, but also on the web version, Microsoft said during a presentation at the developer meeting Build. The company has developed a so-called unified add-on system that should make extensions for Office work on different platforms.

A special Office API should make it easier for developers to create new functionality for Office. Add-ons created with the api should work on all supported platforms. Interested developers can justifiably in Microsoft’s Dev Center.

At the same time, Microsoft has announced that a number of companies are introducing add-ons for Office. For example, there will be an Uber add-on that can read appointments in the agenda. The user can therefore ask for a taxi to take him or her to the appointment at the touch of a button. During the presentation, Microsoft also showed an add-on of LinkedIn and SalesForce in Outlook and SAP in Excel.

Add-ons have been available within Office for a long time, but were not yet available on all platforms. Support for the web and mobile versions of the software significantly increases the reach. Also, the new API should extend the functionality of add-ons.

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