AdBlock Plus dev offers creators iOS adblockers money to use its whitelist

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AdBlock Plus developer Eyeo offers iOS ad blocker developers a monthly fee if they use AdBlock Plus’ “acceptable advertising” whitelist. Companies such as Google, Microsoft and Amazon in turn pay to be whitelisted.

With the move, Eyeo probably wants to increase the market share of its whitelist in order to have a better negotiating position with advertising companies. The French site was the first to discover that the developer offers makers of iOS adblockers money. The site claims that according to their sources, Eyeo offers developers 1000 euros per month to include the whitelist in their app. If the app has more than a million users, that would even be 5000 euros per month.

The company confirms to Business Insider that it offers compensation to developers, but also states that the amounts are “not entirely correct”. Companies such as Google, Microsoft and Amazon, in turn, give up a percentage of their advertising revenues to be whitelisted by AdBlock Plus. Receiving that percentage is the revenue model of AdBlock Plus.

Since version 9 of iOS, which came out on Wednesday, developers can create extensions with content blockers for Apple’s Safari browser. The ad blockers immediately gained popularity and at the time of writing, one of those apps, called Peace, is number one in the App Store ranking of paid apps. Purify is number five. The German Eyeo is working on a full browser for iOS and Android that integrates the functionality of AdBlock Plus, but does not have a separate adblocker for iOS.

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