App lets users reply to emails using voice

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The American Robin Labs has released an Android application with which e-mails can be answered with speech. In this way, users would be able to send a response more quickly and easily.

The app is called Less.Mail and can answer emails by means of voice. The program first reads out an email and can also formulate a response itself, depending on the response of the users. For example, someone can say to politely decline, after which the app composes and sends an email.

With personal assistants such as Apple’s Siri, Google Now and Microsoft’s Cortana, it has been possible for some time to send e-mails, but not yet answer them. Less.Mail is also said to have been mainly designed to be able to answer ‘routine emails’ quickly. By this Robin Labs means e-mails in which there is only a short answer to, for example, a question. According to the company, eighty percent of the emails are routine.

For now, Less.Mail is only available for Android by invitation. Other operating systems may follow, but according to Robin Labs it is mainly an experiment for now, writes TechCrunch. The app was built within a few weeks.

Incidentally, technology companies have been trying for some time to make it easier to send and receive e-mails. Google recently introduced the ‘smart’ email service Inbox, which provides users with a timeline of similar messages.

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