Seagate launches first 8TB hard drive

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Seagate has introduced the first hard drive with a capacity of 8 terabytes. The drive is primarily intended for the business market, such as web storage providers and companies that want to make backups.

It is a 3.5 inch hard drive. Many of the disc’s specs are still missing; Seagate only wants to say that the device has a 6Gbit/s SATA interface. It is unclear what read and write speeds can actually be achieved.

It is also not yet known what the drive will cost, although the drive offers the lowest price per number of terabytes, according to Seagate. The 8TB drive, which Seagate says is primarily intended for business users, is already available to select customers; it should be available for everyone to order in early autumn. At the end of July, Seagate already started shipping test models to interested customers.

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