China is investigating bundling Internet Explorer with Windows

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The Chinese competition investigation into Microsoft focuses on bundling Internet Explorer and Windows Media Player with Windows. Reuters reports that. Earlier, the American and European authorities already investigated this.

At the end of July, Chinese government officials raided Microsoft, but so far little is known about the investigation. It is remarkable that it was previously reported that the investigation would focus on the link between Windows and Office, but according to Reuters it is therefore an investigation into the bundling of Windows Media Player and Internet Explorer with Windows.

That is exactly what Europe and the United States have already researched. In 2004, Microsoft received a multimillion-euro fine in Europe, which was later increased to 1.4 billion euros, for bundling Windows Media Player with Windows. Microsoft has also introduced the browser selection screen under pressure from governments.

According to the Chinese government, Microsoft has not been completely transparent in providing data about Office and Windows in the investigation. It is not clear whether this has consequences.

In July, the Chinese government completed a competition investigation into another US company: China ruled that chip giant Qualcomm had a monopoly in the chip market. The company would ask too much money for licenses.

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