Download Dirsync Pro 1.0

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Dirsync Pro is an open source program that allows the contents of different folders to be synchronized with each other. It is written in Java which allows it to run on many operating systems. It supports both uni- and bi-directional syncs, allowing you to pass changes on both sides, and the application is easy to set up through the interface. The developer recently released Dirsync Pro 1.0 Final after nine beta versions and provided the following announcements since the previous entry in the Meuktracker:

DirSync Pro 1.0 Final is released!!!

Finally! It’s time! DirSync Pro 1.0 Final has just been released!

  • Changed: The default Java copy mode is now NIO. The old fashioned Java copy mode can now be forced through options dialog.
  • Added: Forced-deleting excluded feature is added. You can now force deleting the excluded files/directories from the destination folder (Thanks to Thomas Brixel for feature suggestion).

DirSync Pro 1.0b9 has been released!!!

The 9th beta version to the next major release of DirSync Pro has just been released! Few bug fixes and one interesting enhancement have been implemented: Conflict resolution for Bidirectional Sync. Here is a summary of changes:

  • Added: Conflict handling for files in bidirectional sync when files are modified separately in two directories (Thanks to Robert Shaw for feature suggestion).
  • Added: Option in Directory Settings to handle the sync conflict in bidirectional mode.
  • Added: Option in Default Settings to handle the sync conflict in bidirectional mode.
  • Fixed: The progress bars get reset when opening or creating a new directory configuration.
  • Changed: The algorithm for searching files is optimized to run faster.
  • Changed: Some icons are replaced with new ones.
  • Changed: The GUI is optimized according to the users feedbacks.
  • Changed: Filenames in the output are now colored blue and violet corresponding to DirA & DirB.
  • Changed: The default log level is now “Moderate”.
  • Code: Some enhancements/clean-ups.

DirSync Pro 1.0b8 has been released!!!

The eighth beta version to the next major release of DirSync Pro has just been released! Few bug fixes and one interesting enhancement have been implemented: custom folder for backup files. Here is a summary of changes:

  • Fixed: Some textfield elements in the GUI grew when typing. This is fixed.
  • Fixed: In version 1.0b7 selecting a label did not show the corresponding output. This is fixed.
  • Fixed: Few spelling corrections in the GUI.
  • Fixed: Pushing the “Go to Download page” button on the update dialog now opens the browser if new updates are available.
  • Changed: Some tooltips have been updated.
  • Changed: Some icons are polished.
  • Added: The feature to select a folder for backup files. It is now possible to save the backups anywhere you wish.
  • Code: Some clean ups

DirSync Pro 1.0b7 has been released!!!

The seventh beta version to the next major release of DirSync Pro has just been released! One bug fix and one interesting enhancement have been implemented: Here is a summary of changes:

  • Fixed: Command line mode crash. This is fixed.
  • Changed: SwingWorker is being used from java.swingx now. As a result Java 1.6 or higher is required to run DirSyncPro.
  • Added: Check for update button in the options menu to verify if there is a new version of DirSync Pro is released.
  • Added: Option to check automatically check for new program versions on start-up.
  • Code: Some clean ups

Version number 1.0
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows 9x, Windows 2000, Linux, BSD, Windows XP, DOS, macOS, Solaris, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista
Website DirSync Pro
License type GPL
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