CD Projekt Red Still Working On New Titles In Witcher Franchise

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CD Projekt Red is still working on titles in the Witcher franchise. The studio will divide its pool of developers over that franchise and Cyberpunk, among other things, to smooth out peaks and troughs in the company’s financial situation.

The Polish game developer announced this in a discussion of the half-year figures up to and including June 2019. It is not known what that title within the Witcher franchise is, but that a Witcher title is being worked on at all is striking, since there are nothing new about games or information about that franchise has come out since the release of Gwent: The Witcher Card Game in 2018.

CD Projekt Red justifies the move by stating that it is not only financially better to work on two franchises at the same time, but also that it leads to more ‘professional fulfillment’ for employees and the work processes can be optimized.

The studio also labels Cyberpunk as a franchise, which may also indicate the arrival of multiple games after the release of Cyberpunk 2077 in April 2020. Surprisingly, that would not be: it looks very much like the sci-fi game will be failure. At the same time, there will be a Netflix series about The Witcher. This one will be out this year.

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