BlackBerry to warn competitors and press about deception and ‘facts’

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Smartphone maker BlackBerry will point competitors and press to ‘facts’ if the company sees claims that are not correct according to the manufacturer. According to BlackBerry, competitors want to sow doubt and fear about BlackBerry’s products.

The company promises to refute the competition’s ‘fiction’ with ‘facts’. “There are many loud voices trying to spread fear, uncertainty and doubt about BlackBerry. This has sent sensational articles about our viability and misconceptions about our products into the air. In these circumstances, we must fight back.”

No articles have appeared on the BlackBerry Fact Check Portal yet, but the manufacturer seems to want to debunk rumors on the blog by telling its side of the story. BlackBerry has often been negative in the news recently because the company had to record losses for the first time and its new operating system BlackBerry 10 has been able to grab a minimal market share to date.

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