ISC releases latest BIND 10 version and leaves development to community

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The Internet Systems Consortium has released a new version of the widely used DNS server software BIND 10. This is the latest version released by the organization, because the consortium has announced that it can no longer continue development.

BIND, or Berkeley Internet Name Domain, is an important part of the infrastructure on the Internet. Version 1.2 of BIND 10 provides system administrators with several tools to manage and monitor DNS servers.

The Internet Systems Consortium says it will stop updating the open source software in favor of BIND 9 with the release of BIND 10. “We don’t have the resources to work continuously on two projects, and BIND 9 is being used more,” said Vice- President Scott Mann announced.

BIND 10 was worked on for years. Various companies such as Google, RIPE and SIDN sponsored the project. Mann announces that BIND 10 will be available soon on GitHub under the name Bundy. The DNS management software will be called differently, because BIND 9 is still being developed under the ISC flag.

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