Amazon releases free barcode scanner for online grocery shopping

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Amazon has announced a barcode scanner for home use. The device can be used by customers to shop online at Amazon. The barcode scanner should make it easy to repurchase already purchased products.

The barcode scanner, called Dash, will be available for free to US customers and will be linked to AmazonFresh, the online department store’s branch that focuses on grocery shopping. For now, however, Amazon only offers this in the United States, where it is unclear whether and when expansion abroad will follow.

Dash allows customers to scan barcodes of products for easy reordering. It is also possible to add a product to the shopping list via voice. According to Amazon, this should make it easier to replenish food and drinks at home. The barcode scanner can also provide reminders. About half a million products are for sale via AmazonFresh.

The Dash, which has Wi-Fi, must be linked to an AmazonFresh account. After scanning the groceries, the customer can confirm the order on the PC or laptop and make a delivery appointment. For now, Dash is only available by invitation.

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