Google Pixel smartphones can control smart home applications via Ifttt

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The Google Pixel smartphones and the Home speaker can control smart home applications via the If This Then That web service. It has an Assistant channel for integration with Google’s service. This allows users, for example, to switch lamps on and off with a voice command.

By integrating Assistant into Ifttt, users can use their Hue lights, Nest thermostat, security cameras and other supported services, among other things, by talking to the Google service, according to the Ifttt site.

The Google Assistant works on the Pixel by long-pressing the Home button. The assistant also works on the Google speaker Home, which can only be controlled by voice. Assistant is also in chat app Allo, but the Ifttt integration does not seem to work there.

The Home speaker will be released next week. Google released the Pixel smartphones last week, including in Germany, the United Kingdom and the United States. It is not yet known when Google will sell its phones in the Benelux.

Read our preview of the Google Pixels here. A full review of the smartphones will follow next week.

Look back: video preview Google Pixel and Pixel XL

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