‘Large parties are not interested in taking over Twitter’

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Although Twitter would have been in talks with Google, SalesForce and Walt Disney about a possible takeover, those parties are no longer interested. That reports the usually well-informed Bloomberg based on sources familiar with the case.

Twitter is said to have planned to hold a meeting with advisors on Friday about the acquisition options, but that has been canceled, according to the sources. The potential buyers for Twitter would have stepped back at the urging of their investors, who apparently don’t see much in putting money into the microblog, which has been struggling to generate revenue for some time.

The company would already have a new strategy ready that should turn the tide, if it definitively fails to arrange a buyer. The service will then focus more on collaborations with video content providers, such as sports competitions, political debates and entertainment media. The company wants to combine live video streams from these parties with its ability to comment on the content via a hashtag, in order to increase the practical value of the service.

Twitter shares in the market have fallen 35 percent in value in the past 12 months, Bloomberg reported. Although the news reports about potential takeovers had a positive effect on those share prices, this has since been reversed.

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