Spotify comes with personalized daily playlist ‘without surprises’

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Spotify is introducing a new feature called Daily Mix. The daily generated music choice is updated every 24 hours and, like Discover Weekly, bases the music on the listening behavior.

Unlike Discover Weekly, Daily Mix mainly looks at songs that fit directly into listening behavior and not at new music that users are likely to like, Spotify writes. Daily Mix appears in the user’s library in the latest version of Spotify on Android and iOS.

To get to know users even better, there is also a ‘ban’ button, with which songs can be removed from the list. Spotify hopes to be able to serve the user even better through its algorithms. Logically, a ‘heart’ does exactly the opposite of the ban button.

Different Daily Mixes appear every day, all of which will appeal to a different ‘mood’. For new users it takes a week or two for Daily Mix to appear because the program needs to ‘get to know’ the user first.

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