More than 99 percent of smartphones sold run Android or iOS

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More than 99 percent of the smartphones sold run iOS or Android, reports analyst firm Gartner. It is the first time that the two operating systems have achieved such a large market share together.

The dominance of iOS and Android means that the share of other operating systems has been marginalized. The share of Windows, which includes Windows Phone and Windows 10 Mobile, fell from 2.5 percent in the spring of 2015 to 0.6 percent this year, Gartner has calculated. BlackBerry went from 0.3 percent last year to 0.1 percent now.

Of the two market leaders, Android is by far the largest. Google’s mobile operating system accounts for more than 86 percent of all smartphones sold, according to Gartner. Apple’s iOS dropped from 14.6 to 12.9 percent. The release of the iPhone SE this spring has not helped Apple grow compared to the competition.

Gartner claims that Samsung is the market leader, with a share of 22.3 percent, Apple follows in second. The top five also consists of the Chinese manufacturers Huawei, Oppo and Xiaomi. Of those three, Oppo’s rise is the most noticeable. In Gartner’s figures, it goes from 2.4 to 5.4 percent.

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