Nintendo files patent for detachable controller

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Nintendo has filed a patent for a detachable controller that can be clicked onto a tablet-like device. Another patent application also mentions control via hand gestures. The request is in line with previous rumors surrounding the upcoming Nintendo NX.

The patent was filed with the United States Patent Office in late January and published on August 11. The publication was subsequently noticed by a user of the Neogaf forum. It seems to confirm previous rumors, namely that the Nintendo NX will be a console with detachable controllers, although this patent application does not necessarily have to refer to the upcoming console.

The patent refers to an accessory that can be attached to the outside of an ‘information processing device’. At least the device has buttons and something that looks like a turntable. No electronic connections appear to be used to control the handheld console. Nintendo seems to be using an infrared camera there that registers which buttons are pressed by markers that appear on the side of the controller.

Another patent specifically discusses the side camera’s function to read hand gestures. This system can only be used when no accessory is connected. As an example, the applicant cites playing ‘rock paper scissors’.

The Nintendo NX will be released in March 2017. The date was announced during the discussion of the annual figures last April. The company has not yet released any details about the console.

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