Rumor: Amazon launches music streaming service for $10 a month

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Amazon appears to be in the process of launching a music streaming service to compete with Apple Music and Spotify. The service is rumored to cost 10 dollars per month, which will probably translate into 10 euros per month.

The rumors come from the usually well-informed Reuters news agency, which relies on two unnamed sources. With a music streaming service costing $10 a month, the online department store appears to want to be a direct competitor to other existing music streamers.

According to the sources, Amazon wants to offer a ‘competitive’ selection of music. For that matter, licenses are still being concluded with record companies, but these talks are said to be in the final phase, according to Reuters. Then the music streaming service should come out at the end of the summer or early fall. It therefore seems that Amazon has not yet set a definitive launch date.

One of the things Amazon wants to distinguish itself from competitors such as Spotify and Apple Music is integration with Echo, a ‘smart’ speaker that the user can control with voice commands. Integration with Prime is also in line with expectations.

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