Download Firmware HyperWRT 2.0

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HyperWRT is an update to the original firmware of the Linksys WRT54G(S) routers and includes some additional useful features. Think of thirteen channels to set up a wireless connection, even more concurrent connections, a command shell and a telnet daemon. Recently, after four beta versions, a stable 2.0 has finally been released with the following changelog:


  • Removed concurrent connection & tcp timeout patch (caused instability on certain wrt54g(s) hardware)
  • Added some useful busybox utils

[break]The following two downloads are ready:
HyperWRT 2.0 for the WRT54G
HyperWRT 2.0 for the WRT54GS

Version number 2.0
Website HyperWRT
file size


License type GPL
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