Google claims update makes Chrome for iOS faster and more stable

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Google claims that the update to version 48 makes Chrome for iOS faster. In addition, the browser should crash 70 percent less. That’s because Chrome no longer uses UIWebKit, but WKWebView.

Google had wanted to switch to WKWebView for some time, but that proved difficult with, among other things, the handling of cookies. WKWebView was first in iOS 8. The switch to WKWebView allows Chrome for iOS to use a faster Javascript engine, which improves speed.

In addition, Google claims more benefits. For example, crashing a tab would no longer cause the entire app to crash, as it has on the desktop for a long time. In addition, reloading the page when switching between tabs is less necessary.

Version 48 also brings Spotlight integration. The Spotlight search feature in iOS can search saved favorites. Chrome for iOS came out in 2012. The update to version 48 can be found in the App Store.

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