Twitter patents a user-controlled drone

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Twitter seems to have plans to link drones to its social network, according to a patent that the company behind the site has received. It states that users can control the drone, for example to take pictures with it.

The patent in question was obtained by Twitter from the American USPTO and describes a system to allow Twitter users to fly a drone. This drone could be linked to the social networking site and controlled via messages; according to Twitter, this can be done “democratically”, probably meaning that a large number of users have to ask for the same command.

With the drone it should be possible, among other things, to take photos, fly to other locations, or to switch lamps and speakers on the device on and off. The company behind the social network could not explain the exact intentions: a spokesperson only wanted to tell CNBC the cryptic description “drone selfies”. The company may want to use the drones when it organizes events.

Because it concerns a patent, it is not yet clear whether the technology described will be used in practice. The patent does indicate that Twitter is considering using drones, which should probably ensure more user participation; the social network has been struggling with disappointing growth figures for some time now.

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