Download Firmware OpenWrt 18.06.1

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The first Service Release of OpenWrt version 18.06 has been released. OpenWrt is an alternative open source firmware for a large number various routers and embedded devices. By means of the opkg package management system there is the possibility to determine for yourself what the router can and cannot do. Also on GoT there are several people actively working on it, see this topic. Version 18.06 is the first stable release after the merger of the OpenWrt and Linux Embedded Development Environment projects, and this update also brings the following collection of improvements:

Highlights In OpenWrt 18.06.1
The OpenWrt Community is proud to announce the first service release of the OpenWrt 18.06 stable series. It incorporates a number of fixes back ported from the development branch during the last two weeks.

Some selected highlights of the service release are:

  • Linux kernel updated to versions 4.9.120/4.14.63 (from 4.9.111/4.14.52 in v18.06.0)
  • Security fixes for Curl, Mbedtls, OpenSSL and the Linux kernel
  • Binary builds for the at91 and ath25 targets
  • Updated mwlwifi driver
  • Improved input validation for rpcd uci ubus calls
  • Crash fixes in libuc
  • Assorted bug fixes in netifd

Version number 18.06.1
Release status Final
Website OpenWrt
License type GPL
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