’86 percent of electric car owners do not want to go back to fuel’

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Of the electric drivers, 86 percent do not want to go back to a fuel car; 13 percent want ‘maybe’ back. Just over 60 percent of the owners of a fuel car think about buying an electric car.

Of the owners of an electric car, only 1.6 percent actually consider returning to a fuel model. This is evident from research among eight hundred respondents among whom visitors. The disadvantages of electric driving, which owners call, are that loading places are sometimes occupied by other cars, with or without plug, and that the range can be better and loading times shorter.
According to them, the greatest advantages are the driving behavior, the lower maintenance costs. and resource costs, and the environment. Of the owners of fuel cars, 38 percent sees nothing to switch to electric. A majority, 62 percent, is considering making the switch within five years and 41 percent of them expect to do so within two years.
Half of the owners of fuel cars fear that the range is insufficient and a quarter make worry about the life of the battery. For electric drivers, these percentages are 28 and 5 percent respectively. 60.4 percent of the drivers on fossil fuel think that the majority of the cars are electric by 2030.


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