Download RJ TextEd 10.23

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Version 10.23 of RJ TextEd has been released. This free Swedish-made text editor has several features that are especially interesting for software and web developers, such as syntax highlighting, autocompletion, extensive selection and sorting options and an embedded (s)ftp client. The program is being developed for Windows, but can also be used under Linux via Wine. The changelog for this release looks like this:

Document tabs
Made several changes to the document tabs and moved most tab display options to the theme manager. Tab colors are now connected to a theme so you can have different colors for different themes.

Redesigned the tab close button. Should look better with most themes.

The tabs themselves are drawn a bit differently and a few display issues has been fixed.

Tree views (search result, project view, code explorer…)
Tree views didn’t work properly with themes and had several issues. I’ve made several code changes to both the tree view control and the scrollbars. This should fix several issues and tree’s should look better using themes.

Text clips (clipboard history)
The clipboard history view should use proper theme colors now.

Color picker buttons
Made code changes to the color picker buttons (options, theme manager…) to handle themes better.

PHP and ASP tag highlight
PHP and ASP tags are now highlighted just like HTML/XML tags. You can also use the “Search -> Matching bracket” function to jump between the enclosing tags.

Scope in search dialog window
Replaced the dropdown list “Find where” with radio buttons. It was replaced on both the find and replace page.

Search (and search in files)
In customize keyboard you can assign a shortcut to an action called “FindInFilesAction”. This action will preset the scope and enable the folder field and buttons.

Switching between “FindInFilesAction” and normal find/replace has been made more intuitive.

Incremental Find (Ctrl+E)
When the edit field has focus you can move up and down the found items by pressing the UP/DOWN arrows.

Fixed an issue with the options dropdown menu.


  • The document tab list now uses the same file order as the document list panel.
  • Number of selected lines are displayed in the statusbar.
  • Mixed line breaks are preserved when switching hex view.
  • Made some code changes to how proxy authentication is handled.


  • Hex view colors issue in options.
  • Open binary files eg .exe or .mp3.
  • Toggle hex view with binary files.
  • Split window issue with some file types like HTML files.
  • Remove folder from project.
  • Incremental search option issue in 64-bit version.
  • Replace in folder using 64-bit version.
  • A few display line breaks issues.
  • Find/Replace result view context menu “Close all nodes”.
  • Theme manager issues and editor tab color problems.
  • Remove recent items on main tab “Home” when using filter.
  • Split view scrolling.
  • Several find,replace and count issues.
  • Several minor issues when dragging the document tab to a new external window.
  • Several theme related glitches.
  • A few spell check issues.

Version number 10.23
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows 7, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2012, Windows 8, Windows 10
Website Rickard Johansson
File size


License type Freeware
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