Download MSN Messenger 5.0.0527

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On 09/18/02, version 5.0.0527 of Microsoft’s MSN Messenger leaked onto the Internet. A changelog is not available, but we do find a very instructive story:

MSN Messenger este un instant messenger care va avertizeaza cand prietenii sau colegii vostrii sunt online ca sa le trimiteti mesaje sau sa faceti o sesiune de chat cu unul sau chiar cu toti deodata. In plus, MSN Messenger va avertizeaza cand primiti un e-mail nou in casuta de la Hotmail si va permite conectarea la acest cont cu un singur click the mouse.[break]If that hasn’t convinced you… Then you don’t have to here to click.

Version number 5.0.0527
Operating systems Windows 9x, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP
Website SoftRom
License type Freeware
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