Gamer finds final secret in Doom 2 without using cheats

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A Doom 2 player by the name of Zero Master has shown in a video that it is possible to find a certain secret in the game without cheats, something that until now seemed impossible. Doom 2 came out in 1994.

According to Zero Master, the secret was in the Industrial Zone level. It was known that ‘secret number four’ was located there, but until now it was not possible to achieve this without using cheats. In a video, Zero Master shows that this is possible by letting a Pain Elemental push him on a certain spot in the level. As a result, the game registers that Doomguy is inside the secret zone, which is a requirement for finding the secret.

Level designer John Romero has on Twitter responded to the find and congratulated Zero Master on having found a way to complete level 15 after 24 years. He explains that it was indeed the intention that a player had to be pushed by an opponent.

Action from 3:00, Zero Master explains more in the description of the video

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