Download Geforce Tweak Utility 3.1 RC2

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JAMF announced that has a new release candidate of their GeForce Tweak Utility v3.1 has released. With this program you can adjust a large number of registry settings of the GeForce drivers. The program has undergone the following changes in version 3.1 RC2:

Version 3.1 RC2:

  • Known issues:
    The color correction settings do NOT work under W2k/XP.
    I know that the Expert Mode sometimes shows one wrong icon. Example: Some entries may only be “1” or “0”. When you set such an entry to “2” then the EM should show the icon “=X” that is covered by an orange “!”. But as it seems the GTU doesn’t like this icon 🙁
    The GTU sometimes keeps in memory after exit. No idea why.
    Database files for Win2k/XP will come with the full GTU 3.1
  • I added a new tab: The App Manager tab
    This one will create shortcuts which will give you the possibility to launch applications with different tweaking setups.
  • small color correction bug fix
  • the GTU splash screen did not go away with GTU 3.1 RC1. fixed.
  • Small bug fix a the AGP Rate setting. The GTU did show the wrong value.
  • added a resolution switcher under the System tab
  • new compatibility settings at the System tab (only available with detonator 4 driver)
  • added installer
  • added link to the GTU forum #2 at the 3D EGS site
  • added database files for Detonator 20.80 and 21.85 (w9x)
  • bugfix at the preset manager: exported files did not save all settings correctly
  • all preset files (*.gtu) are now associated with the GTU. You only need to click them in the Explorer and they will be activated.
  • resized GTU program client height
  • a lot of ppl were asking me how much they can oc their card. Now I made the GTU give a warning when the clockspeeds are greater than 115% or less than 85% of the default values.
  • the super7compat option could sometimes show the wrong value – fixed.
  • important bugfix at the Expert Mode database file detection
  • Preset Manager ui changes and bug fixes
  • The Expert Mode did not show negative hex values ​​correctly.
  • Fixed a bug that could show strange errors on changing the display driver version in w2k.
  • Fixed bug overclocking bug (w2k)

Version number 3.1 RC2
Operating systems Windows 9x, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP
Website Guru3D
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