Facebook helps researchers to accelerate MRI scans through Artificial Intelligence

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Facebook collaborates with researchers from the NYU School of Medicine to speed up MRI scans. Facebook ‘s FAIR (Facebook Artificial Intelligence Research) wants to help the researchers to use AI to speed up MRI scans.

Accelerate MRI scans

An MRI scan can be unpleasant for many people. It sometimes takes more than an hour, and for people who are claustrophobic or hurt when lying down, this is an endless experience. With AI, MRIs can be done ten times faster. The larger the area in the body that is being scanned, the longer it takes. AI can train the system to recognize the structure of the images. Parts that have not been scanned can be entered in this way. This means that less data is needed, so that the scan takes less time.

Advantages of AI in MRI scans

Three million MRI images are used to train the system. The dataset is also being opened to other researchers. If it is possible to increase the speed of scans with AI, without reducing the accuracy, this has several advantages. For hospitals with few scanners it is beneficial, because more patients can be helped faster. The technique can also be used for CT scans.

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